Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions govern your use of our website and online store. By accessing or using our website or ordering products from our online store, you agree to be bound by these terms.

Use of Website

The content on our website is for informational purposes only. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content.

Online Store

All product images, descriptions, pricing, availability and other details are subject to change at any time without notice. We make reasonable efforts to accurately display all information, but cannot guarantee complete accuracy.

Prices listed include all taxes and fees. We reserve the right to adjust pricing due to changing market prices, product unavailability or other conditions.

Products may be out of stock and we cannot guarantee availability. We will inform you if a product you ordered is out of stock and you may cancel or modify the order.


We accept major credit cards through secure online checkout. You represent that you are authorized to use the payment method provided.

We use third party payment processors. If your payment fails, we may suspend or cancel your order. You are responsible for any fees associated with declined or reversed payments.


We will arrange for shipment of your order to the shipping address you provide. We are not liable for delayed shipments.

You own the package once we provide it to the carrier. You are responsible for taxes, duties and other fees for international shipments.


Please inspect your order promptly upon receipt. Contact us within 14 days to initiate a return if a product is defective, damaged or incorrectly shipped. You will receive a full refund upon receipt of the return.

You are responsible for return shipping costs unless the return is due to our error. We are not responsible for lost or damaged returns.

Account Security

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials. Notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised.

We are not liable for any unauthorized access to your account. You are responsible and liable for all activities conducted through your account.


We reserve the right to suspend, restrict or terminate your access to our website and online store at any time for any reason without notice or liability. We are not liable to you or any third party for any termination of access.


We may revise these terms from time to time. Your continued use of our website or online store following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the new terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, you must stop using our website and online store.

Applicable Law

These terms are governed by the laws of India. You agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in TamilNadu, India